- We celebrated the 28th anniversary of D.I.SEVEN, a.s.
- The technology division regularly implements the Electronic Gatekeeper system on orders.
- Our yearly turnover exceeded 1 billion CZK.
- In June, Jaroslav Petruňo was appointed the new CEO.
- To increase efficiency, we set up a new organizational structure for our company.
- We provided significant support for the creation of the Vltavan Sport wellness and fitness complex.
- On April 21st, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of D.I.SEVEN, a.s. We established a new subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN Management.
- We have implemented the Electronic Concierge system. An efficient solution for better operation at the concierge and reception desks.
- We supported the establishment of the Theater Hogo Fogo significantly.
- We broke in our assistant. The service dog Drago is a member of our field squad.
- We started cooperating with the Safety Hotline, which we support financially.
- We introduced a modern Active Track route system. We started dressing all our employees into new representative clothes or working uniforms.
- We have introduced and developed modern technology that completes, assists and protects employees during the security service job.
- New corporate identity.
- We have become the "Supplier of the year" for the company Knauf Insulation.
- We turned on new web pages.
- 16.1. 2016 marks the foundation of our subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN SERVICE.
- On the 9.9.2016 the Board of Directors decided to convert materialized bearer shares to dematerialized bearer shares.
- For the twelfth time we provided security services for more than 100 000 visitors at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
- Mr. Jaroslav Petruňo became the Managing Director of our subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN SERVICE.
- We started the preparations for the establishment of another subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN SERVICE, which specializes in security and cleaning services.
- For many years our company takes great care in returning electronical devices intended for recycling. In 2015 we received an Environmental Audit Certificate and ensured collection of 305 kg of electronical devices.
- Our team had more than 2000 emloyees and we achieved annual revenue of 634 milion Czech Crowns in 2015.
- D.I.SEVEN together with its subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN FACILITY started sponsoring handicapped athlete Tomáš Mošnička. He is the handbike champion of the Czech Republic and the winner of Czech handbike Cup. He is also the World champion in weightlifting of disabled people.
- Foundation of project Žiju s hancicapem (I live with handicap), which is sponsored by D.I.SEVEN company and our subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN FACILITY. This project supports people who live with handicap, either with its own, or with handicap of someone close to them.
- We founded an asylum for children requiring immediate help called Orlíček Přední Chlum. We are funding the running of this facility.
- The Presidium of the Association of Technical Security Services Grémium Alarm approved the admission of D.I.SEVEN as its legit member. At the same time our company has become a member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce.
- The building of the new headquarters ends, on its construction there was applied the new standard EN 50518 in order to achieve as the first in the Czech republic the proper registration of high-quality and safe workplace. The company is currently preparing for a gradual virtualization of ARC.
- With the development of modern certified fire systems conneceted to ARC, our company has acquired other major chain customers thanks to the complexity and efficiency of services.
- The company started connecting objects via GPRS and the Internet, and also launching remote client access "MyARC" which allows clients 24 hours on-line access to the database of MyARC.
- In this year, the company established a subsidiary D.I.SEVEN FACILITY which offers full-service maintenance and management of buildings and real estate. At the same time this year to we started to operate the countrywide monitoring center with the ARC service and the integration of the local ARC Sedlčany.
- Mr. Jaroslav Petruňo became the Managing Director of our subsidiary company D.I.SEVEN FACILITY.
- The company currently employs approximately 2000 people.
- Within the frame of continuous increase of system guarantees, certification of enviromnetal policy according to standard CSN EN ISO 14001 is taking place in our company.
- Following the positive development, the company is undergoing personnel restructuring, for operational and business enhancement of individual regions.
- In this year there were almost 2,000 permanent employees in our company.
- On 4/21/2005 D.I.SEVEN, a.s. celebrated its "10 years" anniversary since its establishment.
- We started to support Domov Fauny in Hrachov.
- In March 2004 the company changes its legal form to the legally best secured form of business, a joint stock company. The capital stock of D.I.SEVEN, a.s. is 12,000,000 million CZK
- In this year we undergo another certification - By the CAP Certification Institute, s.r.o. (Czech Association of Insurance companies), which deals with the evaluation of quality of organizations and products in the security industry.
- In this year the revenue reaches approximately 275 million.
- At the beginning of the year we move our headquarters for the second time - again because of insufficient space. This time to Slapská ulice č.p. 1 in Prague 10.
- Thanks to the continuous development of the company we invest in new branch offices. In Moravia we are establishing branches in Zlín and Olomouc, in the Vysočina region a branch in Jihlava is emerging, and in Bohemia we are establishing branches in Liberec and Karlovy Vary.
- For reasons reasons of improving the quality of our services we underwent instensive preparation for certification. On November 23, 2002 we received a certificate according to the standard ISO 9001:2000.
- The number of employees is around 1,200, and the annual revenue is 197 million.
- In this year new branches were established both in the Czech Republic - Ústí nad Labem, Ostrava, Mladá Boleslav, Benešov, and a new sister company D.I.SEVEN, s.r.o was established in Slovakia. This company was represented from the beginning by Ing. Róbert Hrotkó. This company currently employs more than 830 permanent employees, and this number continues to grow with the increasing activities. See more at
- New branch offices are gradually established in Hradec Králové, Plzeň, and České Budějovice.
- The existing premises in Opletalova Street become inadequate, we therefore move into larger premises in Malešická Street in Prague 3.
- Establishment of another branch office in Brno.
- In this year D.I.SEVEN employs over 300 people, with an annual revenue of 51 million.
- In order to expand our operation outside Prague, we planed the establishment of branch offices in larger cities, although non-profit at the time. The first branch office was established in Příbram.
- The Alarm receiving centre - ARC is established in Sedlčany.
- The day of the foundation of D.I.SEVEN, s.r.o., by Mr. Pavel Hlaváček. An office in Opletalova Street in Prague 1 became the headquarters of the company.